Thursday, July 19, 2012



     Alright, so I'm trying to think of new things to put on my blog, so I guess I'll just share some opinions and ramble on about some things I think about occasionally. It's the best I can come up with right now, and I'll probably be recommended for medication from a physician, but here it is.
 (BTW: A heads up, I'm sorry I don't have a synonym for the word, "time".)

     I believe we perceive time as a ratio. Since time is relative, I believe the length of time we have been around time itself, has an impact on our perception of how long time feels.  The longer we live the shorter an amount of time feels, because each minute of our lives is taking up a smaller portion of our lives than before in comparison to the total minutes we have been living, proportionally speaking. For example: When I was in kindergarten the school year seemed to last two years and now that I am in college, two semester seems to have flown by in about four months...  So I guess I'll try to put it into numbers, since I probably sound ignant' right now.

     In kindergarten, I was about 5 or 6 years old.  Let's say 5 to make it easy on me, (it is late).   The school year lasted somewhere close to 9 or 10 months when I was going there.  Even though I'd be older by the end of the school year I'm going to make it easy on me, haha.  10 months out of the 60-70 months I had been living.  That'd be between a 1/6th or 1/7th ratio of my whole life spent in school that year.  Around 15% of my life.   Now lets fast forward to college; two semesters lasting roughly 10 months out of the 240'ish months I've been living.  Its only 1/24th, or about 4% roughly.  So lets reverse and cross multiply some fractions and see if it comes up kinda close to feeling like time is proportional..

     If I wanted the school year now, to seem as long as it did to me when I was younger I would need to make the school year about four times longer.  And if I were to divide the school year of when i was younger by four then it would be about as long as two semesters of college feels like right now.  Please let me know if I did any math wrong...I'm kinda tired, haha.  I'm estimating a lot, and not using a calculator.  But it does seem to apply to me on a personal and relative basis, I hated school as a kid.  

     Then again, we could get really technical since I do not remember much before the age of 3, I may have only had 36 months of  conscience memory, which would make it around 30%.  But I think and hope you get the point.  I'm too lazy to try to do anymore calculations.

     Outside of the school year you can apply it to time in general, an hour or a minute is just a smaller fraction of the amount of hours or minutes you have already existed during, naturally making them feel shorter and go by faster.

     I do not think this is the sole driving force behind "time flying", it also has a lot to do with the amount of activities you are engaging in each day, or the busy lives we live.  That in itself is another factor, dividing each of the hours into different categories, which makes time go by even quicker in its own way...but that is for another time.  There are things like discomfort, anxiousness, happiness, restlessness that can all bend time in one way or another, but I feel that there is a subconscious way our brains retain the feelings of the length of time, which are heavily influenced by the amount of time we have already experienced.

     Anyways, I hope this might have made some sort of sense!  Hope I didn't waste your time with this nonsense ;).  I'm just thankful one day, time will no longer matter.  Speaking of matter, I might blog on that next, if I don't have my meds by then.